Joining Michael M. Hoffman lab in Toronto

I am glad to inform you that I just joined as postdoctoral fellow Michael M. Hoffman Lab at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of  Toronto, in Toronto, Canada. I am going to work on topic modeling algorithms and chromatin biology.

I’m very happy and excited to be here, it’s a wonderful place where to work!

Stefano Ceri: Seven golden rules for being successful in research

seven_goldenAs you already know, one of my supervisors, Stefano Ceri, recently was honored with the preeminent 2013 ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award.

During the award ceremony last summer in New York City, he gave a very interesting talk entitled “The seven golden rules for being successful in research”.

You can find the presentation pdf file here, I suggest you to read it and spread it!